RO-013 • Fast Legato Rock Technique 3
via JustinSandercoe:
Now that you can do Hammer-ons and Flick-offs well it is time to start cycling them. This mean to play a cycle of notes around and around and only picking when you cross to a new string. Get this going with a flow and then try to apply it in the next lesson.Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons To get help with your lesson or song look up the number at the start of the video title (like ST-123 or whatever) on the Lesson Index page. .