Electro-Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress Demo

Electro-Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress Demo – by Bill Ruppert was uploaded by: EHX
Duration: 226

Electro-Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress Demo – by Bill Ruppert

via EHX:

Guitarist Bill Ruppert revisits the magic of the Stereo Electric Mistress. Exotic sweeps redefine the unique sonic elegance that flanging represents. Combine it with an onboard chorus for unrivaled richness.

Reggie Watts Visits Electro-Harmonix

Reggie Watts visits Electro-Harmonix was uploaded by: EHX
Duration: 51

Reggie Watts visits Electro-Harmonix

via EHX:

“Hilarious, brilliant and unpredictable” are three words that have been used to describe comedian, vocalist, performance artist, Reggie Watts. Reggie recently visited Mike Matthews and the Electro-Harmonix crew in NYC. The performer relies on his EH 2880 Stereo Multi-Track Looper—it’s the core of his rig—and put on an impromptu show in the EH Lab.

D*A*M Sonic Titan/Gibson R9/ Way Huge Aquapuss

D*A*M Sonic Titan/Gibson R9/ Way Huge Aquapuss was uploaded by: mrcali68
Duration: 528

D*A*M Sonic Titan/Gibson R9/ Way Huge Aquapuss

via mrcali68:

A demo featuring the God of overdrive.

WMD Super Fat Man Envelope Filter Guitar Effects Pedal

WMD Super Fat Man envelope filter guitar effects pedal was uploaded by: gearmanndude
Duration: 489

An overview of the WMD Super Fat Man envelope filter guitar effects pedal.

via gearmanndude:

The Super Fatman . An envelope follwer is putting it lightly…an auto wah is an understatement… it’s an auto-wah-filter-envelope- Q-master of all things quacky! Very cool, and so versatile, there’s little you can’t do wit h it. William Mathewson is a genius.

D*A*M Flesh Head Fuzz Guitar Effects Demo

D*A*M Flesh Head Fuzz guitar effects pedal demo with humbuckers was uploaded by: gearmanndude
Duration: 344

D*A*M Flesh Head Fuzz guitar effects pedal demo with humbuckers. Continue reading “D*A*M Flesh Head Fuzz Guitar Effects Demo”

Electro Harmonix Micro Synth

Electro Harmonix Micro Synth was uploaded by: musictoyznetwork
Duration: 208

Here’s quick audio demo of the Electro Harmonix Micro Synth – a pedal that lets you create synth-like sounds with your guitar! Continue reading “Electro Harmonix Micro Synth”