BC-143 • The A Chord again

BC-143 • The A Chord again was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 304

BC-143 • The A Chord again

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 4, Lesson 3 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. In this video we re-visit the A chord and look at another way of playing it! Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Course is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .

BC-142 • The F Maj7 Chord (Beginner Guitar Lesson)

BC-142 • The F Maj7 Chord (Beginner Guitar Lesson) was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 207

BC-142 • The F Maj7 Chord (Beginner Guitar Lesson)

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 4, Lesson 2 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. This video shows you how to play the F Major 7th chord. Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Course is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .

TB-030 • The CAGED System (Guitar Lesson)

TB-030 • The CAGED System (Guitar Lesson) was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 595

TB-030 • The CAGED System (Guitar Lesson)

via JustinSandercoe:

In this guitar lesson I will explain the CAGED System and how it came about. It will make a lot more sense if you watch in relation to the text and images on the web site, so be sure to check them out too in “The Basics” area.Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 To get help with your lesson or song look up the number at the start of the video title (like ST-123 or whatever) on the Lesson Index page. www.justinguitar.com .

BC-149 • Stage 4 Practice Schedule

BC-149 • Stage 4 Practice Schedule was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 272

BC-149 • Stage 4 Practice Schedule

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 4, Lesson 9 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. This video shows you what you should be practicing in Stage 4. Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Course is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .

BC-146 • Rhythm Guitar Basics 2

BC-146 • Rhythm Guitar Basics 2 was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 544

BC-146 • Rhythm Guitar Basics 2

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 4, Lesson 6 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. This video shows you some more rhythm patterns, adding in some more up strums. Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Course is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .

BC-145 • Forcing The Changes (Beginner Guitar Lesson)

BC-145 • Forcing The Changes (Beginner Guitar Lesson) was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 463

BC-145 • Forcing The Changes (Beginner Guitar Lesson)

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 4, Lesson 5 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. This video shows you an easy way of speeding up your chord changes and making your songs sound better and more in time by forcing yourself to keep strumming! Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Method is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .

JA-021 • Major Type Jazz Chord Extensions (Guitar Lesson)

JA-021 • Major Type Jazz Chord Extensions (Guitar Lesson) was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 496

JA-021 • Major Type Jazz Chord Extensions (Guitar Lesson)

via JustinSandercoe:

In this guitar lesson I show you some chords that you can play with as substitutions for a Major 7th Chord.Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 To get help with your lesson or song look up the number at the start of the video title (like ST-123 or whatever) on the Lesson Index page. www.justinguitar.com .

JA-020 • The Jazz Chord Concept (Guitar Lesson)

JA-020 • The Jazz Chord Concept (Guitar Lesson) was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 540

JA-020 • The Jazz Chord Concept (Guitar Lesson)

via JustinSandercoe:

In this guitar lesson I will explain the “Jazz Chord Concept”, how basic chord substitution works at a basic level. The following leseons will show you up close how to play many of the chords I use in this clip.Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 To get help with your lesson or song look up the number at the start of the video title (like ST-123 or whatever) on the Lesson Index page. www.justinguitar.com .

BC-156 • Rhythm Guitar Basics 3

BC-156 • Rhythm Guitar Basics 3 was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 401

BC-156 • Rhythm Guitar Basics 3

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 5, Lesson 6 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. This video shows you a strumming patterns using a shuffle rhythm. Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Method is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .

BC-155 • Triplet Rhythms (Guitar Lesson)

BC-155 • Triplet Rhythms (Guitar Lesson) was uploaded by: JustinSandercoe
Duration: 237

BC-155 • Triplet Rhythms (Guitar Lesson)

via JustinSandercoe:

This isStage 5, Lesson 5 of Justin’s Beginner Guitar Course. This video explains triplet rhythms which we need to check out before looking at shuffle strumming patterns. Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Justin’s Beginners Guitar Method is all free – and all the notes, tabs, neck diagrams and other helpful stuff is all found on the web site. The videos are all embedded in the pages, so using the web site makes it a lot easier to use the course. Hope you like it! Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons 🙂 justinguitar.com .