In this video SoloDallas takes you through some of the setting you can use to get the AC/DC sound. Thanks mate Check out the AC/DC Competition – some awesome prizes and a full lesson on Shoot To Thrill: Also check out SoloDallas Channel – he’s a great guitar player and big AC/DC fan with loads of great videos, instructional and covers! Hope you dig it J
In this video I take you through 6 awesome Angus stylee licks, close up and slow for you to check out. There is a pdf tab on the web site page which will probably make things easier. Everybody’s asking about the sound. I have a 1973 Marshall JMP50 head into a vintage late 60’s 4×12 speaker box (for the really anal, the speakers are greenbacks, two original and two re-issues). Settings: Presence 2, Bass 4, Middle 6, Treble 4, Volume I 5, Volume II 0. It’s bloody loud, even but I have it in the live room, connected by a door. No special mic though, it’s just getting picked up by a Neumann 184 I have fitted to the camera and the Lapel Mic. The guitar is a regular modern SG Standard, the trick to get a good Angus tone is to turn the volume down to about 7 or 8 – on full it’s too distorted imho.Taught by Justin Sandercoe. Full support at the web site where you will find hundreds of lessons on a wide range of subjects, and all the scales and chords that you will ever need! There is a great forum too to get help, no matter what the problem. And it is all totally free, no bull. No sample lessons, no memberships. Just tons of great lessons To get help with your lesson or song look up the number at the start of the video title (like ST-666 or whatever) on the Lesson Index page. .
Study guitar online with Berklee: Associate Professor at Berklee College of Music, Michael Williams explains minor blues progressions for the rhythm guitar in the style of BB King’s “The Thrill is Gone” in this Berklee guitar is the continuing education division of Berklee College of Music, delivering online access to Berklee’s acclaimed curriculum from anywhere in the world and teaching online music production, music business, songwriting, guitar, bass, music theory, arranging and performance.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and watch as Assistant Professor at Berklee College of Music, Joe Musella explains the Pentatonic scale – the quintessential tool for playing classic rock guitar scales in this Berklee guitar lesson.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and watch as Larry Bayone, Chair of Berklee’s Guitar Department, illustrates the proper technique to play scale forms on the neck of the guitar.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and watch as Associate Professor at Berklee College of Music, Michael Williams explains how to spice up your rhythm guitar playing and get that T Bone Walker sound by adding chromatic approaches to the chords in your favorite blues guitar progressions.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and watch as Larry Bayone, Chair of Berklee’s Guitar Department, explains how to find the notes of the guitar scale from memory by practicing the major scale in a variety of different positions and registers on the fret board.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and watch as Assistant Chair of the Berklee College of Music Guitar Department, Rick Peckham explains augmented and diminished triads.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and watch as Assistant Chair of the Berklee College of Music Guitar Department, Rick Peckham explains drop-3 voicings on guitar.
Study guitar online with Berklee: Check out this video from and learn essential guitar chords from Rick Peckham, Assistant Chair of the Berklee College of Music’s Guitar Department.